Krex1010- I have very little difficulty putting ONE arrow where I would like it shooting split fingered, instinctively snap shooting. I like to throw out a can and shoot it with blunt points and stump shoot. I don't know why by my ability to put an arrow where I want it without thinking about the range goes away when I shoot 3 under and can see the arrow more clearly. I shot my turkey last spring in the base of the neck at 31 yards (purposefully) and my doe at 39 (ranged after the fact)snap shooting split fingered, but the distance was not on my mind. When hunting I have 2 ranges, in or out of range. Knowing the range exactly seems to hurt my shooting. I like to think to my self "I'm going to make this shot", not "I'm going to make this X yards shot". However, I have shot some pretty abysmal groups at 20 yards shooting NFAA or Vegas targets when instinctively shooting. Shooting 3 under, for me, seems to force me to aim, atleast a little bit, and I can't so readily disregard the range of my target, so if all I shot was 20 yard paper targets I think I would score alot better if I shot 3 under while hindering my hunting shot ability.