I see questions arise about 'where' to cant, 'how much to cant', 'can you cant the same way twice'? Target archers need to drive tacks and execute the same exact shot over and over....BUT! Bowhunters, especially those that spend a lot of time on the ground need to be a bit more versatile IMO. They should be able to manufacture and deliver shots from the terrain and environment Mother nature throws at them. I hope to show that you can cant the bow how ever you want to, and that it doesn't have to be the same angle every time.
Every person needs their 'back yard' shot', and need to be able to shoot how they feel comfortable, either vertical or canted. Yes, it is easy for most to cant the same angle every time. Once you get your back yard shot down, you can then add variations to your shot to capitalize on opportunities that arise in the field, as we most times have a small window of opportunity. All it takes is devotion and determination.
Also, contrary to what you may 'hear' or some folks claim....canting at different angles WILL NOT shorten your draw length if you are properly aligned. I demonstrate this in The Bowhunters of Trad Gang DVD along with proper alignment. Proper alignment makes for a stable shooting platform from many shooting positions.
Bowhunter's have also been accused of 'dumbing down' the sport of archery by non-hunting target archers.....but I say with a little effort and imagination, we can jazz it up pretty good.
These are extreme deviations of my normal shot....Its a bear target, but I'm practicing my low and tight hog shot. The black shafts got lost in the internet conversion....but the target impacts are 2 inches higher than the fletches due to the camera angle.
Dial up.....
Extreme Cant Angles I Extreme Cant Angles II Extreme Cant Angles III Broadband.....
Extreme Cant Angles Over the Pond......