Pit cooked bar-be-que is what N.C is known for. most people use a barrel cooker and propane these days,forgoing digging a pit and using Hickory. This is the old fashion way.
Dig a pit two feet deep,lay a piece of tin in the bottom of the pit and wood sticks or re-bar across the pit as many as needed to support your hog. Build a fire to the side on a sheet of tin, using Hickory. When you have a good supply of coals shovel them into the pit, a thin layer. put your split pig on the rods skin side up, add coals all along as needed . watch closely so as not to burn the hog. As soon as you see the skin turn loose from the carcass and sounds hollow when tapped you are close to turning it, about
an hour more. It will take about six hours to cook a 85# pig.Make a vinegar base sauce, don't use any sugar in your sauce, and baste through out the cooking process to your likeing. When you are ready to crisp the skin, rub it with oil and then turn the pig over. watch your heat carefully or you will burn the skin. .... This is just a basic description. There are a few tricks that make the process easier. Using charcoal, puting wire mesh on top and bottom of pig helps turning him over. Just a couple of them. You can chop it up or pick him!