If you have a good stedy hand,unlike the bowdocs.You can go over it with Testers gold paint and a caligrify pen,ultra fine nibb will help alot.Buy a fresh bottle of gold and stir it will.But hold on just one second,before you do go over the lettering with the gold....Are you sure it's gold and not factory black????? Without getting into a pissen match with collecters.Please note a couple things.... no coin no coin hole does not mean that was the earliest model 1959 Kodiak.Bear bulit bows for several different companys and some may not have had coins do to request of the purchaser.They did not want the coins or in some cases ie like Viking Archery did not even want bears name on the bows and added a Viking decal to them,rather then any Bear name at all.(Sears bows only had the lower Bear silk screen).But most for Viking had coins.Bear soon dropped that pratice,cause it was loseing free advertizement with Bears name not on the bow.But with that said,early maple sight windows Kodiaks no coin hole were generly lettered in black india ink rather then gold ink.I can send you a free sample of bowdocs bow polish to remove the tape residue right after the holiday......bd