If it's an aluminum lam and you shoot them to much you will soon find out why that bow was only produced one year.The aluminum was to smooth for the glue to stick to and very pron to heat expanstion.Which also lossend the glue lines.I was shooting an alum.lam Polar which was cool and seemed OK.But as we shot a bit more it seemed as if your line of sight was changeing.It was,once we unstrung the old girl she still looked braced.She took a bad set and when I pushed it back to normal looking bang she lived no more.So if it's alum.lam most likely I would NOT.If its cross weave,that stuff is still really pron to breakage too as it was a bit brittle-ish and the cross strands are somewhat ridge-ed.Your call,like I said alum no way,cross weave,maybe ? how about a couple pics ? bd