Reddog Around central Illinois in the late 60's and early 70's, a common homemade stand very much resembled that little Quillian stand, a lot, except it was bigger. It was common for someone to take a piece of 3/4" plywood and attach a chain to the back end, either side of a notch in the board. Underneath, they took and shaped a piece of 3/8 or larger re-rod, as if you laid (and attached) the flat rod across the platform, maybe 2/3 the way forward, then bent the ends down to meet at a point below, which stuck into the tree to support you. Smart guys actually had a piece of cable or rope tied from the stand platform to the end of the support so it couldn't slip and just go straight.
Wow, those were the days. Count your blessings, we have GREAT equipment available to us now.