I hope you are not bored with me yet. Does one limb mounting style seem better than the other? Or are they simply just different. I always admired the MTD. As a matter of fact, the UPS truck dropped off my Warthog "A" magnum this morning, with the early style riser I always liked. I know, nut a traditional bow, but I am not done collecting bows yet. You did say that the ball bearing limbs were used from 1989-1992. But these would have been Harfields and not MTD's, is that correct? The MTD's as I recall were also made back in the '70's weren't they? Then in about 1989, the name MTD was dropped and they became Hatfields. Is that correct? The laminations of the earlier Warthog "A's" and the Damon Howatt Hunter, I had from around 1979. As I recall, it appears to have been similiar in pattern of laminations and type of finish.