I traded for a Abbott long bow,58" 58#, it had 2 chip's just above the fades, 1 about 1/2" the other a 1/8" they went all the way to the veneers,other than those the bow is immaculate.
I scraped it to get the loose finish off and rough sanded the chip with 320 grit.
There is a product for surfboard repair, called "Solareze",its a trip,
No mixing,just lay it on,let it settle a couple minutes to flatten out, set outside in the shade, out of direct sunlight,a couple of minutes, then put in the direct sunlight for a couple minutes and its hard as a rock and ready to sand.
It sanded out really nicely.
I only did it yesterday,and
I'll shoot it a bit and see if it locked down with the original finish.
I would not use it in an area of great flex,but for a riser or fades it might save you a refinish for spot/chip repair.
Pics have to wait, sorry.