Since the silkscreens are not that nice to start with, I am testing two different techniques.
For the Alaskan silk screen, I actually scratched off the old varnish with a knife. The good side to this technique is that it is fairly easy to get real close to the print. The bad side is that there is no feathering. I hope the new varnish will blend in and that the «step» will even out smoothly.
For the patent silk screen, I used 150 grit sandpaper folded in 4 and used the «fold» to carefully countour the logo. There is some feathering here.
I believe that the salvaged logos look better on darker fiberglass bows, The yellowing of the varnish does not show very much on black for example but would show very well on white. On the 59 Grizzly, I did not salvage the logo on the green limb for this reason. The yellowing of the varnish really stood out around the logo.