Doc - I took your advise and straightened that upper limb first. Well, actually have it just a little past center the opposite way (a bit of over correction). It now draws with the center of the string only slightly off to the left on the upper limb.
The lower limb is straight and the string groove was cut in the center of the lower limb.
Checked the tiller and it looks pretty darn good out to 28".
Rather than just widen the string groove, my latest enlightenment of inexperience is to first fill in the string groove on the upper limb, possibly with smooth on, and then re-cut the string groove.
A new or widened string groove seems like a lot less work then narrowing the limbs to get the string groove in the center, then re-tillering the bow, which could reduce the weight.
Do you think Smooth On would hold in a space as narrow as just half the width of the string groove?
Your problem student with crazy ideas