Just recieved a 4 DVD set of original Fred Bear hunting movies and I'm suprised at some of the things of Freds Heyday that are much different in todays hunting/shooting realm. Fist off....they are GREAT fun to watch and I think everybody should get to see them. There are ALOT of shots in the 30-50 yard..(and GREATER),that most of us would swear off of today. They list them on the DVD as common for the day....but alot of times it's really hard to tell just exactly how far they really are shooting. He even talks of when he's in India and harvests his tiger,,that the tiger was 100 yards away and he wanted to turn it in his direction by shooting in front of it....just as you'd guess..it went RIGHT THROUGH THE TIGERS LUNGS at 100 yds , quite by accident.However, as I said earlier, They are enourmous fun to watch and should be required entertainment for all of us traditionalist, I think most of you would be suprised how quick Fred Bear moves for a tall, lanky guy....this will go to the next bowclub meeting.......ebnjoy....john