I have been reaseaching Bears leather products.
I have a few old back quivers and I am trying to figure out what kind of machine they sewed them up with. Is there anybody around that may have worked in the leather part of Bear Archery? Or someone who could know? I have an idea of what they used for a machine but showed it to several people in the industrial sewing machine industry leaving them with scratching there heads. There was another company that was called Carlisle Leathercraft out of Carlilse Pa. They made some very nice back quivers and leather gear for archery also. I did a search and only found dead ends. I think the owner may have passed. So much of the manufactoring of leather products is gone. Camara case binocular cases so many things made out of leather gone to other processes. I wish I could talk with some of these people. If any one can send me on a lead I would appreciate it. Scott