Last weekend I was invited to display my collection of Bear Kodiak bows at a gun show in Grayling MI. After talking with "Sledshed" Pete who declined to join me I really didn't know what to expect. Would anyone be interested? would anyone even stop and look at the exhibit that was intended to honor Fred Bear and the employees that worked for him during the 1950's and 60's? Funny when you try to give how much you receive.
Well, I set up on Friday the night before the event and CJ who organized the event said to be there by 8:30 next morning since it would be busy and the show opened at 9:00 AM. To make a long story short I got there on time and didn't get a break till about 2:30 or 3:00 that afternoon. Many people stopped by to look at the bows, hold them, take pictures, ask questions and talk. The best part was that 6 or 8 employees, a couple close friends of Fred, stopped and shared stories about their job at the plant, memories of Fred and some of the things that went on back then. After looking at the bows for several minutes one man said "I made those bows." I nearly fell over. This individual worked at a station in the plant and literally shaped and finsihed the tips of all my Kodiaks from 1959 through 66. Another man was an engineer who had an office right next to Fred. He told me how Fred came to him one day and asked him to design a "take down" arrow. Well, that never happened but they did give it a try. Sure would like to find one of those prototypes. Another person was responsible for all the fiberglass R&D and formulations. He told me how Bear manufactured the coil springs for early Corvettes. It was an incredible day and best of all, the people that my collection was being displayed to honor for showed up and shared their wonderful memories and experiences working with Fred. Looking for an opportunity to do it again. Just had to share this with others who might enjoy hearing about what happened. Dave