I am having issues tuning a 60" Personal model and would like to know any recommendations that Mr. Morse gave when selling these bows.
There just doesn't seem to be much information about them that Google can locate for me. Three things that I really need to know are brace height, string material, and actual string length. While this is a fairly young bow to be asking questions about in this forum, information isn't being found on any of the other websites either. I'm hoping that someone here owns or owned one of them and may have an owners manual tucked away somewhere.
My understanding is that these bows were considered to be quite good shooters in their day. My experience thus far is that this particular bow doesn't like a brace height between 7 and 8 inches and prefers to shoot any arrow that I own between 6 and 18 inches right of where I aim. It would be fun unraveling the mysteries of what makes it purr, but dadgum, it is getting hot early here and my playtime window is narrow.