Father God, please forgive me of my selfishness, and outburst of anger and words. I thank you for your loving grace, and attentive ear. Your selflessness, and compassion has already been seen and experienced. Thank you Father for your protection in times we were unaware, and thank you for your salvation through your son Jesus.
Father I come to you now with a melted heart and compassion for my brother Mel and his family. I ask for your Holy Spirit to guide Mel in the troubles he is facing. Help him with the decisions he has, and has had to make in guiding his family. Talk to him with your sweet compassion, and words of wisdom, for him to be the governor and provider of his family. Give him knowledge and understanding, to guide him now, and in the future. I ask that you also heal the hurts, which so often sway our minds away from the things you would guide us to do in our daily walk with you.
Thank you Father for your presence, and Holy Spirit. Bless Mel and his family physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. For it is is Jesus name we claim and ask these things, Amen.