For the past few months, an old friend has surfaced in dire needs. She married a fella she'd dated years before... he was headed into the ministry and she fell again hopelessly in love with the man.
After 3 years, an ugly story unfolds of mental abuse, neglect, blamming, anger, threats, manipulation and control that continues to unfold slowly over time as the true story comes out.
I'm baffled and strugglin to know how to mentor and witness to this person. There seems to be some serious risk of physical attack. The man's behaviors do not resonate with anything Godly I know, but even in long term counseling, its apparent that there is no accountability, just blaming everyone else...even to the point where he's lost his job as a minister in another state.
Now this woman faces relocation with someone who is a viable threat.
Please ramp up our prayer machine to ask God to show her insight, discernment, peace and strength. She needs to know His will in dealing with this flawed marriage and how to proceed.
She is the main focus, but I too, could use prayer. I fall way short of God's wish when it comes to men who abuse women. I'm contantly on guard in corresponding with this gal, but I fear that my lack of acceptance of this man's behavior may show through and I don't wish to mislead her from God's path for her life in handling this fear-filled situation with a remorseless man.
I've seen such power on this Prayer/Concerns forum over the years, I know that anything is possible, from God doing a Paul thing and striking this man to his knees showing him what he has become and how he is behaving, to finding a safe passage for this woman into another situation away from him. In His mercy... I ask your prayers for her... and for my own healing towards men who abuse or batter.