Wow....You've said a considerable mouth full there, my friend!
Nothing here that I don't hear echoing honestly in my heart, but just so much.
While each and everything you've shared I see as being an honest call to live as He called us to do, and I fall way short, I also think that we've created a feeding frenzy in government that even if we as Christians picked up the ball as we should and you've so aptly pointed out, it's not going to be so easy to styme the gluttony of government.
Working in various sectors for a good number of years, I've seen how we've created an entire "entitlement mentality" within a growing cross section of our society that thinks that they have a "RIGHT" to a guaranteed quality of life and it is someone ELSE's responsibility to provide it for them---FREE.
I'm not suggesting we should do less than what you've called us to do in your note, but I do wonder how we separate the legitimate from those who would sit with their hand out and do nothing for themselves? Is that God's will for us to enable others dependency?
I've struggled with that throughout my adult life. We didn't have color TV--or a good car. Couldn't afford it and everyone in my house worked...including me by age 14 in summers. Things have gotten topsy turvey and I think even best intentioned Christians sometimes fear being scammed and missing helping those who truly are in need.
Maybe I'm the only fool in the bunch here, but I've gotten suckered so often, I wait more now for direction and God to speak to my heart than to knee jerk jump in to rescue.
Your good words will take me back to my knees to re-examine all that...and alas, as you had suggested, delve deeper into what my church is doing...
Thanks for a sobering start to a long holiday weekend.
Prayers up for your situation. Mine is not by injury, but circumstance that I also am again seeking an outlet to use God's good skills the way He intended, so I join you and understand your situation.
Keep the Son in your Eyes!