is going to get expensive LOL I got my new FF string from Chad on my Atilla and started retuning my arrows, after shooting for 30 min. I'm down 4 arrows. I'm stacking them at 15yrds and I have glanced off of 3 arrows and robinhooded 1 kind of. I don't have any feild points so I'm shooting my ACE blunts so you can see how they can screw up an arrow when it hits. Me robinhood hit square on the nock busted it and flatend the taper and had enough energy that it knock off the tip of the arrow I hit. The other 3 I have shaved some wood off of them so I don't think they are going to be safe to shoot know.
Time to start shooting at differnt places on the target and order some 200gr field points so I don't have to shoot my blunts in the target. And order more woodies. They might not be as dirable as carbons or aluminums but I really like the way the shoot.