Funny the things we take forgranted...
I've experienced a decline in my visual acuity, but was blessed with incredible distance eyesight most of my life, so it was with some frustration that I embraced a decline to 20-20...I know how that sounds to those who've struggled, but one doc told me I was an "aging hawk-eye" and to have to stare at a street sign as I drove by was maddening... alas, age has it's own way...
Recently, my new neighbor here mentioned flashes of light and I googled it and told him to get to a doc... lo and behold, this past Saturday, I awoke to all sorts of stuff in my better visioned left eye...looked like hair hanging down. I just got my first TN haircut so there was NO hair to hang down! WT?
Then that evening, flashes started in that eye... by sunday, it looked like a dirty wind shield out of my left eye... hmmm...
Neighbor who'd been thru it brought over a pamphlet on such things from his new ophthalmologist. Illuminating...
On the way to the grocery store yesterday, I was near where he just stopped I went by. "Do you take Medicare"... the affirmative reply was followed by "what's wrong?"
When I described symptoms, I was told to sit down. Long story short, torn retina and lots of bleeding in the vitreous humo goop in your eye explaining the crud blocking my vision. They went behind the eye an froze the back of the eyeball where the tear was located, back today to get the confirmation it all looks good, but sentenced to "light duty" for a while...
Kinda spooky when your eyes take a hit! For all who've had vision issues, my condolences. For any who have any such symptoms of floaters, flashes, get it PRONTO! They tell me if I'd have waited a wee bit longer, I could have had a retinal detachment...which would have been MAJOR reconstructive surgery instead of feeling like somebody bopped me in the eyeball for a day!
Prayers coveted for full healing in that eye and no more issues. Came to TN to get out and hunt and fish and between this and hernia surgery 1/15, I am not feeling the outdoors drawing closer!
Thank you and Merry Christmas to all! I'm one lucky guy to have had it caught in time, so be smarter than I was!