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Author Topic: Yet another broadhead question  (Read 1673 times)

Offline jonsimoneau

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Yet another broadhead question
« on: May 21, 2006, 09:38:00 PM »
I know this has been debated a million times, but I need some opinions from those who have done it.  I'm leaving July 12.  The bow I'm shooting is a 53 lb. Blacktail.  I have a heavier bow, but I shoot this bow much better.  I'm shooting grizz stick alaskans, and they weigh about 650 grains.  Slow as hell out of this bow but they penetrate well.  My favorite broadhead is a Wensel Woodsman. I've used them for awhile now and had great results with them.  I used to shoot grizzly heads, but gave up on them after poor blood trails.  Thing is, the biggest animal I have shot with a woodsman was a caribou.  Should I go with a 2 blade head, or will this combo be okay with a 3 blade head.  I want to be able to shoot everything up to Wildebeast and Kudu.  I really have no problems with 2 blade heads other than the blood trails.  Also, does a wide 2 blade head really penetrate better than a narrow wensel woodsman?  I know a grizzly will penetrate better, but what about something like a Magnus 1?  I just can't decide.

Offline Don Thomas

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Re: Yet another broadhead question
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2006, 11:44:00 PM »
Jon -- 2-blade vs. 3-blade has been debated ad nauseum so I won't re-hash old stuff. But I can give you some advice pertinent to Africa. If your only reason for favoring 3-blades is blood trails, forget about that. African plains game doesn't have much hair to soak up blood, the terrain is open, tracking conditions are generaly excellent and you should have the assistance of highly skilled trackers who don't pay any attention to blood anyway. Bottom line: if your arrow does the job, you're gonna find it.
The trick is getting your arrow to do the job. African animals are different. Kudu are big and mentally tough, but they have thin hides and bones plus generous vitals so they aren't much problem. Be careful with wildebeest and gemsbok -- both are very tough and their vitals are farther forward than you think. I would guess that more wart hogs are hit and lost than any other plains game. For what it's worth, I will be making my tenth (or eleventh?) trip next month and my quiver will be full of 2-blade Magnus and likely a few Eclipse. Good hunting, Don

Offline S Meyer

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Re: Yet another broadhead question
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2006, 07:39:00 AM »
I may also be able assist.

Here in SA they sell life size paper targets of most of our game animals. It’s a photo of the animal with the killing zones marked in red. The animals are in different poses, some of which are more challenging than others. They are designed for rifle hunters but are sold at archery ranges as well.

I can’t find any online stores that stock them though. They go for about six US dollars (35 SA Rand to be precise). I don’t know if anyone is interested in trying to ship them to the US but it shouldn’t be very difficult. The only problem would be the postage fees.

Let me know if anyone is interested.

Stefan Meyer

Offline doctorbrady

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Re: Yet another broadhead question
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2006, 01:02:00 PM »
I agree with Don.  Worry about hitting it in the right spot.  The trackers will do the rest.  I watched trackers follow a nonfataly hit impala's track (it was later killed by a gun hunter)for several hundred yards in an area with thousands of other tracks.  I never would have believed they were on the right track until they found a pin prick sized speck of blood.  I shot grizzlies and after some problems with penetration which was my own fault (see "better late than never") they did great, cleanly killing 6 animals including a big oryx.  I too shot WW on caribou and had great results.  I would shoot them in Africa with my set up (72# longbow), but would be hesitant to shoot them from such a light bow.  It's tough to beat a good quality 2 blade in that situation.  Consider eclipse or stos.  You can't go wrong with either and they will give you a decent balance of penetration and blood.

Offline jonsimoneau

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Re: Yet another broadhead question
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2006, 09:56:00 PM »
Thanks Guys.  Don, I too have been playing around with the eclipse head.  If I use a two blade head that is probably the one I will use.  I can't wait.

Offline TradAlaska

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Re: Yet another broadhead question
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2006, 08:19:00 AM »
Gee what a bummer -- I was going to share all my sage advise with you and these other advise hogs ahead of me said it all.

Have a great trip.

Cheers from Alaska

Offline TradAlaska

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Re: Yet another broadhead question
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2006, 10:35:00 AM »
Maybe i could buy a "c" and replace the "s" in advise and make it advice.  Anyone have a "c" for sale?

Offline jonsimoneau

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Re: Yet another broadhead question
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2006, 08:13:00 PM »
Thanks for the advice anyway, TradAlaska!

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