I know this has been debated a million times, but I need some opinions from those who have done it. I'm leaving July 12. The bow I'm shooting is a 53 lb. Blacktail. I have a heavier bow, but I shoot this bow much better. I'm shooting grizz stick alaskans, and they weigh about 650 grains. Slow as hell out of this bow but they penetrate well. My favorite broadhead is a Wensel Woodsman. I've used them for awhile now and had great results with them. I used to shoot grizzly heads, but gave up on them after poor blood trails. Thing is, the biggest animal I have shot with a woodsman was a caribou. Should I go with a 2 blade head, or will this combo be okay with a 3 blade head. I want to be able to shoot everything up to Wildebeast and Kudu. I really have no problems with 2 blade heads other than the blood trails. Also, does a wide 2 blade head really penetrate better than a narrow wensel woodsman? I know a grizzly will penetrate better, but what about something like a Magnus 1? I just can't decide.