This was my first attempt at using one. It cost $39.95 at 3Rivers. This is how it works, First you start out with a larger shaft than you want in the end, i went from 11/32 to 5/16 I was told you can start at 23/64 and go down to 5/16 but i haven't tried that yet. You will loose 3 to 5 pounds in spine going from 11/32 to 5/16 I'm not sure what will happen if you want down two sizes. So i wanted to end up with 5/16 spined at 50/55 so i began with 11/32 spined at 55/60, First thing i did was hand straighten the shafts you will have to do this over because they get crooked in the process. Net thing is to chuck up the shaft in a drill next time i will taper the end and install a old field point so i can tighten the drill more. next you have to heat the block up with a propane torch, getting it real hot but not red hot. Then start the shaft by the desired opening in the block and run the drill at full speed, feeding it slowly and steady, after a few you will get the hang of it. I broke four out of a dozen, the ones that broke had run-out in the grain. The ones that make it will be real tough. I think it is worth the money for me because i want 5/16 shafts at a heavier spine that i can get most of the time. The ones i made shoot like darts and time will tell me how tough they are, i like to stump shoot and small game hunt, both are tough on arrows.