I just got back from chasing goats in Montana last week. Rain and low goat count due to winterkill/rifle kill last year conspired to mess up the first part of the week, but Joseph's Chicken-fried buffalo steaks made up for it! By Wed evening the goats were hitting the water again and I sat 14 hours thursday and 6 hours friday on stand. Several nice bucks came to water out of range, and when this little guy walked past at 8 yards I figured why look a gift goat in the mouth and I took him. After 10 1/2 days over 2 years of DIY goat hunting he feels like a trophy pronghorn to me!
Shot him with a 64lb Widow recurve, big Snuffers and Carbonwood 5000's (long story there). One lung, diaphragm, liver, he went a hundred yards or so, down in 8 seconds.