I have a real short draw, 25", and Craig started me out at 64". Later, on take downs I went to 60" and actually liked it and did well with it.... have two 60" td's and a 60" cheetah. However, with experience comes wisdom (we hope...) and the last several bows I have ordered I have followed the practice of ordering an inch longer than my draw and a notch lower weight than i though I wanted... So, I'm now shooting bows that are 66", a bit longer than Howard would have recommended for me, and drawing them a hair short of tillered length, but not grossly underdrawing, as happens when i try to shoot a bow made for 28". I order the weight at the longer draw. My next Hill, due here in February, will be 66" and 45# @ 26"... which will make it a very smooth, easy 42# or so for my achey old shoulder. If all goes as planned, this will be a fun, easy bow for me to shoot in 3D for several more years.
Dick in Seattle