You got that right (basically). There are a bunch of us (all over the world) that usher the New Year in that way. Many have their own little variations, but it's all good and that just adds interest and variations. I got a goodly number of folks to send me pics of them (at Full Draw) in the process last year and posted those on my TBD pages (I forget which page but about in the middle of the 15 pages, I'd guess). I would hope they would send me the FD pics again this year, and/or I will also copy any posted here. I'll go see what page they are on and post a link here.
That was a pretty good guess, by golly - it turned out to be on Page 7 of my TBD section and starts in Row Three - Enjoy the write-up and pics: (You also should find a thread about this subject in the archives here - try a search.)