This is a pattern pack for building a Highnoonhunter Leatherworks Side Quiver. It is NOT a sale for a quiver, but the patterns so you can make your own.
Over the years I've had people contact me asking for patterns so they could make their own quiver. But sometimes my Ministry and time in general, gets me in a bind to stop and copy everything. So I've decided to offer this pattern pack for sale to folks that want to get more involved in making their own archery tackle. This is a great quiver. I've made many improvements over the years and this is about as good as I can get this quiver.
Additionally, I give anyone who buys my patterns permission to make and sell these quivers from my patterns. All I ask is they credit them as being Highnoonhunter style quivers.Note: This is NOT a full blown instructional packet. And you'll need to make up your own mind on type of strap, tooled overlays, type of leather, etc. But it does have some great info............ when you purchase these patterns, you will be given a link to an instructional forum on my personal website so you can ask me questions about your quiver build. And of course, you can also contact me by email for info.
The patterns are on heavier paper. The larger patterns are only 1/2 of a pattern, so you flip it over and trace to give you a full pattern on your leather. Or you can go ahead and trace out a full pattern on your own paper if you wish. I do this to keep the patterns fit-able to letter stock paper.
Included in this packet:
Introduction page- Includes the important link to my forum so you can get help building your quiver.
Supply List- a list of stuff like: type of leather, thread, lace, glue, rivets, etc., to build your quiver.
List if Suppliers- a list of suppliers so you know where to buy the stuff you need to build your quiver.
Tools list- list of MUST have tools, as well as other tools that'll come in handy for your build.
Pattern Page 1- lower cup 1/2 pattern, and d-ring tab.
Pattern Page 2- lower cup overlay 1/2 pattern, inner plug pattern, top d-ring pattern.
Pattern Page 3- top portion main and overlay 1/2 patterns, arrow cinch size info, outer cup plug pattern.
Pattern Page 4- BONUS! Highnoonhunter Leatherworks Medium Armguard full size pattern!
Pattern Page 5- Strap end pattern, and armguard overlay pattern.
$13 shipped to USA. $13 + shipping to other places.
Please email me if you wish to purchase a set of these patterns at: [email protected] When done, your quiver could look like one of those in the slideshow below... click the photo: