You think it's because I'm a lawyer? I thought it was the Wesley, scared people off.
Good to hear from you. The lipstck cam, I got on eBay, Not sure of the website. It is a "PRO HUNTCAM VIEW CAM 520 TVLine VIDEO CAMERA RECORDING Item number: 7239920288" on eBay. They seel these all the time - around $180.
Anyway, it hooks into your camcorder via the video in, so your recorder has to be able to record from a TV or VCR, or other camcorder. This lipstick cam them bypasses your camcorder's lens and CCD.
Very sturdy, for action and helmet mounting.
I'm still playing with it, to get it aligned while shooting. The headstrap lets me put it next to my shootin' eye. It Sees very nearly what my Shootin' eye sees, like the arrow streaking gracefully over the deer.
I should have some demo target shots soon. but, I have to figure out how to get the video into my laptop.
You really think traditional bowhunters would hold the lawyer thing against a guy? Now, a stockbroker, I understand.