INFO: Trad Archery for Bowhunters

Author Topic: Cuddebac Expert  (Read 1593 times)

Offline elkken

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Cuddebac Expert
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:03:00 AM »
Several years ago my lovely wife got me a Cuddebac Expert trail camera for Xmas. I used it during late deer season and a bit around the yard. All totaled I would say I ( it )took less than 1500 pictures in three seasons.

It always was hard on batteries, three weeks at most. Much less in the cold during late season in NE Washington. This last fall I put it up and when I came back to check it I had dead batteries and 187 pictures, taken every minute with nothing ( critters )in them. This spring I got it out to figure out the problem and it performed the same way with fresh batteries, a picture every minute with nothing moving in front of the camera in my house not outside.

I called the Cuddebac help desk and went through their trouble shooting but no luck, still taking pics every minute ( my setting ). So their only solution now is to send it in for repair at $160 flat rate, they no longer make this model. I believe my wife payed over $400 and adding another $160 for a camera that is not a great camera was a bit too much for me so I passed. The Cuddebac customer service folks where very pleasant but you could tell they had heard this story before.

If anyone fixes these or needs parts I'll give it to you for postage. I also have two compact flash cards for it $5.00 each shipped.

I have two Moltrie's that I bought in the bargin cave at Cabelas for $75 and they are twice the camera this one was, you just have to set it up for a view that takes into consideration the slower trigger speed. Batteries last for months.
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good

TGMM Family of the Bow

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