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Author Topic: Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS  (Read 1036 times)

Offline Lewis Brookshire III

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Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS
« on: January 06, 2008, 07:28:00 AM »
I have been pondering these BH's for awhile. I mormally use a 2 blade head and sometimes a 3 blade woodsman. With the talk on the New STOS and the suggestions of a normal bevel STOS with bleeders it made me think about them even more.

I know that it will do the job if its SHARP and put in the right spot, I am just curious construction wise what the difference would be between the 4bl Delta and a STOS if it had bleeders? I see that they are 1/4" longer and 1/4" wider. So penatration might be a little less with the Delta than with the STOS if they were to make one.

Is there any difference in construction that makes the STOS more durable or is it just the deminsions that would make the STOS a better 4 blade?? And who all shoots the Delta 4blades, whatcha think of them??
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Offline Rick Perry

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Re: Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 12:16:00 PM »
I've shot Delta 4 blade for years  ........... they are a great head  ........ not hard to sharpen , hold an edge well , fly true , no penetration issues  ........ what more could you ask for ?

 I have always prefered 4 blade over 2 ........ I know the theory is the 2 blades penetrate farther  BUT if any head produces an exit wound it penetrated far enough  ........ and a 4 blade has the extra 2 blades cutting a larger area than a 2  ........... I always picture in my mind a 2 blade passing just by an artery but parralel to it ! .......... to me the extra 2 blades add a little insurance  

 With deer sized animals extreme penetration is not required . If I was gonna shoot a moose with lighter poundage I might consider a 2 blade .

 Bottom line is the 4 blade Delta is a fine head , the extra 2 blades are relatively small , and you still get great penetration !
"Pick a spot"


Offline 52 bow

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Re: Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2008, 01:22:00 PM »
Just took my 4th deer of the season yesterday with the same 2 blade Delta.Two went in to the feathers and two stuck in the ground behind them.Three died within sight.I find the two small blades get in the way sharpening them- they all work if hit right!!!

Online Orion

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Re: Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 03:14:00 PM »
I've been shooting Zwickey Deltas for about 40 years, mostly 4-blades, sometimes 2-blades.  Never a problem with penetration when they're put in the right place.  Began shooting a few STOS in the last two years.  Also a very good head.  Really did a job on a Wyoming elk I killed this year.  I like the fact that one can get the STOS in 160 grain heads.  Zwickey's are 135.  I usually have at least one of each in my bow quiver.  They're pretty much interchangeable in my mind.  I use the different weight heads to help bring all my wood arrows to within a few grains of each other.

Offline Lewis Brookshire III

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Re: Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 06:26:00 PM »
I am going to give them a try. I was torn between the 4 blade Zwickeys and the Zeyphr Sasquach. I got some of the zwickeys in a trade so I am gonna test them out. Im not to worried about the weight cause I use carbons and usually try and get a 125gr head with a 125gr steel adaptor to get my 250gr up front of my AD trad lites.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
- Jim Elliot: Missionary/Martyr.

Offline Alex.B

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Re: Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2008, 07:12:00 PM »
Terry had a very a-propos Charlie Lamb quote a while back: "don't argue with me about 2,3 or 4 blades, I know what I like"...or something like that.
well, you surely must know what you like, no?
I love 160gr and 130gr 2 blade STOS    :)
tgmm, tanj, compton, bha

Offline Rick Perry

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Re: Zwickey 4 blade Delta VS. Possible 4bl STOS
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2008, 12:38:00 PM »
so whats the verdict ????  ............ are they single bevel or not ?????
"Pick a spot"


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