The Breaks has gotten very popular with the out-of-state crowd the past 20 years. Why? Because it's easier to walk see lots of can drive in and can use your 4-wheeler (thats a big reason). Now, you add this up and what do you get? A lot of pis$%! off local hunters who remember the "good-ol-days", and a generally not-optimal hunting experience for everyone, due to overcrowding. Everybody wants to hunt elk where it's easy!
Outfitters, by the way, lease up a lot of checherboarded land throughout the breaks as well as the private stuff. All things said, there are a lot of elk, and a guy can still get one...but you have to do some homework like anywhere. I'd concentrate on the areas that 4 wheelers can't go! Most of the successful guys I know that hunt there, hike in quite a ways...and really work to get away from the anywhere.
By the way...I don't hunt the breaks. But the place has been a thorn in the side of management and resident hunters for years now and there are no easy solutions there.