Originally posted by Guru:
Just for the sake of asking.....if those two arrows were shot in reverse order, do you think (in your opinion,cause we'll never really know)anything would have been different?
It's hard to say. I would like to think the Griz would have punched on through, but even shooting 67# and 700gr arrows, I can't say that for sure. I have not hit one in the shoulder with a 190.
In the interest of education I'll tell this story.
Earlier last week, my hunting partner hit a nice buck in the shoulder. He was shooting a 63# Robertson Montana Falcon, razor sharp Grizzly 160's with 100gr inserts, and AD's weighing in around 650 grains. This same setup shot completely through two pigs with one shot back in June. The arrow hit the buck so hard the nock shattered off the shaft on impact. Here's a couple pics of the blood trail.
In the second pic, it's kinda hard to see because the batteries were dying, but that bloodtrail leads out into that field constantly for about 60 yds and into a group of pines. From the amount of sign, I felt pretty confident the arrow had got through enough that we'd be finding that deer.
For those who don't know, this next pic is a pretty clear indication of a high shoulder hit. Notice the blood centered right in the track. Not sprayed out, or being pumped, or anything. Just running down the leg and dripping off the shoulder.
That's what ya call a false positive. Not too much longer the blood was just a drop here and there followed by nothing. He's still out there running around doing his thing. We found the arrow the next day broke off about 5" above the head.
It's interesting that these two heads would each perform just the opposite of what you would expect under such similar conditions. But that's hunting and those are the kind of things that happen sometimes.