Okay, I'll try to shift the focus onto the head.
Is is that this head has approached Icon status for many bowhunters? I mean is just looks like a broadhead should look?? I would daresay that very few of the ones being bought are going to be used as intended. If the heads were to be used for hunting, market forces would have several types, including "improved" models.
I look on them kinda like reverse simmons. Where the Simmons Interceptors/sharks are comvex, the Deadheads are concave.
So we have heads that are straight (Grizzly) heads slightly concave to straight (Zwickey and Magnus, heads convex and the Deadhead.
Again, if the heads were so good, why is no one making them? Yes I know of an outfit that makes a few, but with those prices, they'd be hot items.
I also like the Deadheads, the first head I shot, shot well, and was sucessful with it.