A growing number of car accidents and property damage attributed to a burgeoning urban deer herd has sparked a partnership between the city of Little Rock, Arkansas and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC). The two have launched a joint study that seeks to determine the feasibility of bowhunting within city limits as an option for decreasing the problematic deer herd.
The AGFC began the study on July 17. The Little Rock city council will determine the best management option for the city based upon its findings. The goal of the study is to determine if the deer population has grown beyond the area’s ability to sustain it. The study hopes to provide a solution that will decrease the number of deer-caused auto accidents and other problems associated with a dense deer population.
Currently, discharging a bow within Little Rock city limits is banned under city ordinance.
Numerous cities across the country, including Minneapolis, MN, are working in conjunction with their state wildlife agencies to utilize controlled bowhunts to manage deer populations. A decrease in deer population has been shown to decrease car accidents involving deer, and reduce the level of property damage attributed to foraging deer.
Take Action! If you live in Little Rock, you should contact city council members and encourage them to allow a controlled bow-hunt to go forward as a safe, cost-effective way of managing deer herds. The city council can be contacted at 501-371-6875.
U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance