PETA "euthanizes" over 3,000 dogs and cats every year. They own the second largest walk-in freezer, not for commercial use in California.
They feel that it's OK to kill these animals because THEY'RE the ones doing it!!!!
Also, a PETA V.P. uses insulin, that BTW, was tested on animals before FDA compliance. But, again, it's OK because SHE needs it live so that she can fight for the animals!!!
A few years ago they wanted legislation to be passed that would mandate that EVERY kept animal be put into a diaper to ease public sentiment for viewing an animals genitalia!!!!
I'm still waiting for the Clinton Administrations' answer as to why over $40 millions dollars of collected Pittman-Robinson excise taxes were given to PETA and HSUS, by the USF&W, under which, he appointed the Chief.
They also utilize ALF/ELF eco-terrorists, and convicted firebombers, convicted felons to "teach" and "educate" school children on special "animal days". They hand out leafkets to school children telling them that their parents are murderers for eating meat, poultry, and fish, using leather, using medications, etc...
A no-good lot who, unfortunately is VERY WELL funded, has the ear of Hollyweird, and is never far for quoting when there's a hunting accident.