We have been speaking up. This was a major concern 2 seasons ago. When the Regular Season(Firearms) opener was moved from the Monday to the Saturday, we expressed dismay. We are losing days, and the DEC ignored us.
They felt it better to used skewed judgement than factual data. They wanted to get more children into the woods on opening day. They claimed that parents do not want their kids to miss ONE day of school for the opener, so a Saturday opener would solve the problem. When we asked what percentage increase they anticipated for the opening weekend. Sit down for this one...A total increase of 1-2% in participants, not just youth, but ALL hunters.
We responded with asking the DEC to get behind us in the push to lower the hunting ages for bow to 12 and gun to 14. That's how you get kids interested in hunting and keeping them there...start 'em young. Also, how about the parent letting the kid take the first deer.
We've tried. Hopefully with a new regime, Director, and Chief Biologist, we can make some headway.