Anti-hunters as most have noted are not realistic, and for the most closed minded. Not being a psychologist, but understanding psychology, most antis are not bad people, just mis-informed. There have always been the closed minded types, saying they were right, everyone else was wrong, and that the earth was flat, and the sun revolved around the earth.
Facts, biology and real science have no bearing on them, and by anthropomorphising animals they feel a closer mis-guided kinship to them.
By not understanding that all life is intertwined, and interdependent, instead of interfamilial, the basics of life and the process of some consuming the others and those consumptors being in turn consumed and absorbed in the end is lost to them.
I had the pleasure of a debate with a bunny hugger a while back as he expounded, that there was no way man was superior to any other animal. The hubris of the thought, he said he found revolting.
It kind of took the wind out his sails when I asked if his berkinstocks were made by man or the cow whose skin they were composed of? Whether his t-shirt and jeans were made by man or the genetically altered cotton plant from which the fibers grew?
Both the cow and cotton plant were at one time, like us, living organisms.
I could not recall the last time I saw a cat or rabbit make a pair of shoes, or t-shirt from scratch.
The irony only served to enrage him, poor guy, and we did not even get to really discuss hunting before he stalked away.....poor lad.
Sometimes talking to an anti is like wrestling a hog in the mud, after they get really tired they find out the hog likes it.
Gary Carvajal