Well maybe not exactly what you were thinking. I just wanted to tell everyone I finally found what i was huntin.

An early Dan Quillian Patriot 62 inches 56# @ 28 inches. I got it home went into the backyard and the very first arrow from 10 yards went dead center of the bullseye. The first traditional shot in 10 years and it went right where it was supposed to go. Naturally it went downhill from there but it was still great.
Now my next problem was that the guy before me put camo tape all over the riser and when I pulled it off it left a sticky adhesive residue. How do I get this off without hurting the finish. It also has one of the ugliest camo paint jos on the limbs that has to go or get covered up. Oh well I got to go I got to go shoot some more before it gets dark.