The ATA had their propoganda there (yet if you go to the ATA home page they claim that they do not advocate for crossbows in archery season). Also representing crossbows were the NRA, SCI, QDMA, and others.
It was a real 3 ring circus. The line of reasoning that the NRC used as their scapegoat was "reccomendations from the MDNR stating that the resource would not be impacted.) They claimed that their decision was based on sound science.
I think they need a different science teacher if they can't tell the difference between a crossbow and real archery equipment.
I was glad to see that the bowhunters did have several representatives...P & Y Club, NABC, MTB, MBH, and several others. This was a done deal before the meeting even started. If you look at the ATA website there is a picture of the President of the ATA, along with Chuck Jordan "10pt Crossbows" and others with the MDNR Director. The ATA donated money for an archery range and named it after the directors late husband. "IT WAS FOR SURE A PRE-DETERMINED OUTCOME." :mad: