For anyone who doesn't know, certain WMU's within NYS, during the first 15 days of Archery Season will be antlerless only. The DEC has implemented Phase 2 of their 3 phase plan. If bowhunters do not comply and kill does, the DEC will then contemplate (read ENACT) a muzzleloader in the Archery Season.
Now, this pertain to bowhunters only within those WMU's, male, female, old, and yes the young too.. Even though the Columbus Day Weekend Youth Firearms Hunt, so precious to the DEC, falls within the first 15 days, those youth hunting with a firearm can kill whatever deer they chose, but the youth bowhunter cannot. Boy is that unfair or what. As NYB has said all along, it is not about the kids with the DEC, it's all about abusing the bowhunter.
Better wake up New York or don't ask why or how.
The DEC had no public meetings, they lied about the timeline for consideration and implementation (originally they said nothing will change until 2016), and there is no way that the DEC could have compiled and analyzed all of the written opinions that were due by June 29th and gotten the Syllabus to the printers for when licenses go on sale in August. This was their plan all along.
Again, wake up New York. Get involved and get heard.