So here's my thinking... please tell me what you think.
I'm looking to get back into traditional a bit, PLUS I need a bow for bowfishing this spring. My longbow is too heavy for me (%$@#* broken arm!), so I need another traditional bow. I decided I want a recurve, as I want to take a deer with every legal means in Wisconsin (compound, longbow, recurve, shotgun, rifle, muzzleloader, handgun and crossbow*).. I only need recurve and handgun, but I digress.
I think I decided on a less expensive lightweight recurve that has the inserts for a bowfishing jug, and once I shoot for a while and get my form down, upgrade to a heavier custom recurve (RER), and keep my cheaper recurve as my bowfishing bow... I'm looking at the PSE Kudu.
Anyone shoot this bow? Worth the $250, or would I be better off spending a little more on a little better one?
Thanks for your time!
* - crossbow legal in WI for those over 65, or those with a medical condition. A shattered elbow from falling 20 feet to the ground out of a treestand constitutes a "medical condition". If the thought of killing yourself by falling out of a tree isn't cause enough to make you wear your safety belt, try this for a reason -- you may have to hunt with a crossbow if you still want to hunt!
Thanks again!