I appreciate Dr.Ashby's work. I read it with interest. There are things to be gleaned from it. However, even in Dr. Ashby's attempts to approach things scientifically and analytically he suffers from the same malady as most of us-preconceptions and a fixation on his own percieved needs.
To say that X momentum is required in testing to penetrate Water Buffalo ribs 100% of the time so X momentum should prove adequate on all "lesser" game is logical. On the otherhand to Say that since X momentum was required in testing to reliably penetrate Buff ribs X should be required for all game is....well...bizarre. I have no problem with Dr.Ashby or anyone else making a personal determination to never shoot arrows less than 650 grains or 700 grains or 900 grains etc. and to always maintain momentum values above a given level for all their hunting. Just don't bind that on others. We have several thousand years of men shooting animals with sharp pointy things from bent sticks and the animals dying and being eaten. Check out Native American Indian tackle. Silly injuns. They kept shooting animals with light to medium weight arrows from primarily 40-60 lb bows-many of them with short drawlengths and then, just cause the animals died, they thought it adequate.
My preferences run to relatively heavy arrows and sharp two blade heads (Not only am I somewhat influenced by Ashby's research it correlates with my own experience in many respects and heavy 2 blades are the choice of many people I repect....but others I respect choose lighter arrows and multiblade heads. When I look back over my own limuted experience I have to note that lighter arrows and 3 and 4 blade heads did not fail me when I used them....I just gravitated to the percieved superiority of more momentum and 2 blades and found that satisfactory.
The truth is everything works and everything fails. Terminal ballistics whether with gun or bow simply cannot be reduced to formulae and thus achieve some ultimate truth. I learned to distrust the magic numbers when I was a teenage gun nut. I read various experts (Who didn't all agree) and then watched animals falling over when shot with projectiles possessing 1/10th of the "required" kinetic energy, or momentum or Taylor Knock Out Value or Keith's "Pounds feet". All these statistical mental gymnastics make grist for the writers mill, entertainment for the winter doldrums and help us to think...but don't stop thinking. Since multiple models and theories work in actual practice it may be prudent to quit worrying about it and go hunting! In fact I would like to avance the theory of quantum terminal ballistics-To whit, researchers may observe the results they anticipate. Therefore, trust your gear and expect animals to die when shot ...and they WILL!