And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers - Mal 4:6
When I was 3 my parents divorced and my brother and I moved away from Michigan with our mother. I would not see my father again until I was 14 and that time was only for about an hour. Years past and I joined the army right out of high school, got married and bought a home. In 2004 I went to Ft. Bragg, NC, leaving my wife at in WA, since I would be training and gone in the field most of the time. During my stay I had much time to grow in the Lord, reading His word and fellowshiping with others. I felt Him impress upon my heart that I was to forgive my father and let go of any ill feelings I had towards him. So upon my return trip to WA I stopped in MI to visit family and then went to have dinner with him and his wife at their place. After dinner we somehow got into talking about hunting and I stated that I had never been. He showed me his Shaefer Silvertip and I shot a few arrows. Wow was she beautiful and although I had no idea of what I was doing I was having fun. We parted ways and over the next three or so months spoke periodically over the phone. One day while we were talking he asked if I would mind if he sent me a bow and some arrows. I told him I thought that was a lot but wouldn't stop him. I now think back to that and wonder how hard it would be to be unsure of how your son feels about you sending him something and I thank the Lord for the love between my little boy and I.
Since that time we have built a relationship due much to our mutual love of traditional archery and hunting. Coaching someone along from across the country is not the prefered method but he did all he could to help me along. Books by TJ Conrads, and G Fred Asbell came to my doorstep and I soaked it all in. To bring this story to a close, we are planning an elk hunt in Colorado this year. I thank God for bows, His promise, and those who hold onto them.
If you have a story of how bowhunting affected your relationship with your parent or child I would love to hear it.