Who needs a treadmill?
Find me a rabbit, Huck
Stay close Huck. You KNOW dad's not a real good shot.
I think there's something in here...
Get R-E-A-D-Y...
There's gotta be one in here.
Two Amigos...
And so it goes. Just another of many rabbit "hunts" the result of which makes me thankful for the venison back home in the freezer. As I type, "Mama Labs" (my wife, Natalie) is in the kitchen making her two starving hunters a nice venison meatloaf. When you're fortunate enough to have a wife who will follow you into the woods to take pictures when the wind chill is ZERO degrees, and then, once home, whip up an adult hot chocolate (hot chocolate and Bailey's Irish Cream) to help take the edge off until dinner is served, well, that's about as good as it gets and I thank the Lord each day for my abundant blessings.