Baiting done right is a very useful tool, to be used to studying any game/NON-game animal.
Baiting done the wrong way and you can spread sickness like Blue Tongue & CWD to just name a few.
As some have said: Baiting isn't a gimme. knowing what trail a deer is using before the trail cams came out meant work in the woods.
Why is it; the Biggest enemy to hunters .....IS HUNTERS. Think about this... NON-baiter's fight with those that bait. Gun hunters (only) fight with bowhunters because bowhunters get to hunt the RUT ( in some ares where the RUT is in the middle of Bow only season ).
Why is it all about ONE hunter? We are all human, We all Earthlings & No matter what anyone says... We are all Hunters, since the dawn of Time mankind has been & always will hunt.
Some ppl need to bait because of Health reasons, they can't go to deep in the big woods, by themselves.
Hunt Your way... Not the way others want you to hunt...If Your way is to use bait & it's legal, Do it.... If it is legal in Your State & You don't like to Bait.... Don't bait.
Baiting is like Compound, Recurve or long bow. One or all of these bows, aren't for everyone. You have the Choice to pick how you hunt & what you hunt with.
*For any Anti-hunter lurking*
You Hunt for deals, Jobs, Spouse, Location for a home. You where born with Your eyes in front of Your Face... You are a Hunter.