ken, you definately refelct my thoughts and feelings too.
I have been the most delayed with many commitments and have been very down about this. There have been many set backs and circumstances that have been reasons why.
I too will deliver and want everything I do to be the best i can do, not in a hurry or shoddy,
Everyone has been very gracious and kind with me about their items and no better place to post than on this thread.
Somethings happened that I have not intended or forseen first with health issues and then several personal setbacks, I never intende for those who have been waiting so long to have waited this long, I promise to follow through...ken you have been waiting the longest and just thankful for everyone's understanding. My beadwork is taking the longest and detail work, I have had a supply shipment that never showed up with some very personal and special items so to try and replace them or make up for them has been also time consuming and lengthy in time.
I have each and every one and doing in order so all who have been so patient and kind to me about this I owe a whole hearted thank you for.
I do not like to promise and not come through when I give a time frame but there have been a string of events that have really set me back and had to make some changes in soem of my projects so all who have been waiting on me, I will deliver very soon.
I love to make things as a therapy in beading and to help our trad family, I just took on alot not knowing what this past year would bring.
Thank you all for all you do and give here on TG, especially friendships that only trad archery seems to be able to attract.
Ken, you are right on and true blue too, like a brother to me. We love ya!
Killdeer, don't ever worry about Frank's parcel, he waits on me all the time and am the last one to expect a timely delivery.