A year ago I saw a nice Selway longbow for sale or partial trade for a knife.
I had just bought a GEORGOUS R A MATT knife off ebay..it was a damascus hunter blade with unbelievable mammoth tooth handles. The Selway seller would only give me partial credit for what I paid. I declined his offer.
The reason I would want to part with this knife was I realized it would spend all it's time in my safe and I wouldn't get a chance to really use it, or even see it.
After that seller declined, I spoke to Jim at Centaur...what a great guy he is..Anyway, I sent him the description of the knife from the original ebay ad. He said he would give me full credit for the knife on a bow if he liked it, after he saw it in person. He received it two days later and assured me he did want to keep it...and he would display it in a glass topped coffee table with some of his other collectibles.
Anyway, he said that he loves horse trading and wish he could do more of it. I hope to get the bow in a month or so.
Jim is the kind of guy that makes you feel like you've been friends forever.
I helped get Brandon Stahl
www.roseoakbows.com his website through a friend that designs and creates them. I paid my friend cash, Brandon got his website and I got my first bow from Brandon. It worked out very well for all. I saved a few bucks, Brandon did too, and my friend got some money he wouldn't have...
One reason I'm bringing this up is I don't want it to come up later that I'm pimpin' this bow or that one because I got a break of some sort.
If I like a bow I'll tell the world and if I don't like a bow, I'll generally keep it to myself or say exactley what I think in a PM.
The main reason I'm starting this thread is that some bowyers will deal if you have something they want or need. I wouldn't try to trade them something "pedestrian" that they could easily buy themselves, but if you can fill a need, or get them something unique, it might not hurt to ask. You might be surprised.