Hey Folks---
I have seen some photos etc. from guys who built small tomahawks from railroad spikes. I have some questions.
First: I am never sure how large those tomahawks are---how do they compare in size to one of Ron LaClair's "hawks"? A spike is not really very large.
Secondly, is the metal in a spike of any real value when it comes to making a knife for example? And what about other RR hardware? Like some of their 7 inch long by 1 inch diameter bolts?
I live close to a railroad and can walk 100 yards along any stretch of it and find several pounds of steel lying in the gravel or alongside the tracks---I'll wager there are millions---yes SEVERAL MILLION tons of steel RR workers have discarded or lost along the railroads.
If that stuff is any good, I'd be interested in knowing before I start trying to use them to make knives/hawks etc.
You guys who actually do this stuff---tell me, is that metal any good?