Question for you guys - feel free to laugh at the dumb question, if it is so.
I'm very interested in doing the Pig Gig either next year or the year after. I'll be shooting traditional, but I'd love to bring my wife along, who doesn't yet. She's shot recurves for bowfishing, but not yet for any big game. She's been bowhunting for 3 years, all with training wheels.
So, the question is, is she welcome to come along and shoot the pulley popper, hopefully spending the time with the group to "catch the bug", or do I have to find a way to get her into it before then? I know she'd come down and have fun shooting traditional, but she'd love to hunt too, and she doesn't think she'd be able to be proficient enough with traditional equipment by then. (especially figuring we don't even have her bow yet, and she won't have time to shoot with our first little girl due soon).
Thanks in advance...