I stopped by the local sporting goods shop today. This is the kind of place with an old woodstove on slow burn in the corner, a hodge-podge of hunters and shooters sitting around in various odd chairs drinking coffee and eating Nabs, and five different disjointed conversations running at once. The woman that runs the shop is in on every conversation while she fixes arrows, bore-sights a scope, or horse-trades guns with customers. It's the kind of place that I think of when you mention your weekly "meetings" with the crew. There is one wall with assorted archery gear and none of it seems to be too organized.
Well I walked in today for an iced tea and a catch -up. The proprietor smiled at me and said "I have something for you to look at." She pulled two Bear bows out of the corner and headed my way. I thought she was going to cut herself on the exposed Razorheads in the old arrow holders/quiver when she stopped half way to answer the phone. She finally handed the bows to me and asked if I was interested or if I could tell her a fair market value. One was a Cub that seems to be a late '50s model and the other was a Kodiak Magnum that might be a 1976.
I looked them over with glee as I tried to make notes of distinctive features. I know little about dating and valuing these without looking up the info each time. The Kodiak Magnum had a string and stringer wrapped around the Bear quiver. After a little inspection I braced it and inspected again, but made no measure of fistmele. I went out to the truck and pulled three arrows from my own quiver and snuck behind the shop for some fun. That little bow is marked 45# but it put my 720 grain arrows in the same place that my 60# bow does after just three shots. I centered a 2X4 at 29 yards - lucky shot but it made me like the little bow even more. I'm not sure I would want to shoot it with the Bear quiver on it but it made the whole green package look complete.
I went back inside to finish my tea and hear a few more stories. I departed with just enough time to chase a rabbit around the thicket after getting home. I reflected on an enjoyable afternoon and thought that you would have liked it, so I figured the least I could do was tell you about it. There are still places like that around and the tradition continues.....