I guess it started when I was 10 years old !
I would go down to our 40 acre river bottom and watch the Beaver and the otters play in the river, and I waited alongside the river inside the huge V of the tree waiting for a turkey go by. Also watching the Beaver work on a tree until it fell, and watch them cut off the branches to take them to their lodge for the winter harvest.
If I took along the other kids, which weren't many I had only two other neighbors. They mess it up, they could never say still.
40 years later, I'm still in those woods by myself. Different place, but it's still brings back those memories. The only difference is, when I go in early enough, I am able to pray for those that I have left behind, and I've even caught myself singing songs of praise, in a tree stand 20 ft. high. Now who would put up with all that noise !
Not exactly, I sing real quiet ! But I have caught myself a couple of times doing that. But generally a hunt alone. Except when I go on public land, you never have to worry there, you always see somebody. But this past fall I had the opportunity to hunt private land. First I received permission to hunt on 42 acres, and then I have permission to hunt on a 80 more acres, and now this next fall I had someone gave me permission to hunt on another over 400 acres. I finally had to pray to God to tell Him to stop. I'm only one person I can hunt that much land, but God sure has blessed me this year with private land to hunt. The 400 acres, is for bear hunting, in the most populated county in Minnesota with black bear. That will be the best hunt ever.
I think all of this came out of my reasoning with God, what are You doing ? I asked Him, I came to the conclusion, that God gave me my personality, and my personality just happens to like to hunt. So God hss blessed me with the land to do that. But it's also given the opportunity, to bless others because they have given me the privilege of hunting their land. But I still hunt alone. It's much better that way. And like some have said because of back injury and knee injury, you have to be a little more cautious. I am also a pilot, so you just have to leave an itinerary, where you're going, how long you are going to be there, and if I'm not backed by a certain time, things like that go for a long way when your hunting alone. I always carry a cell phone, and I have yet to have it not pick up the signal. The bear hunting by myself will be a challenge, because I have been " nose to nose with a black bear" that will be a good story here for next fall.
Pastor Carl