I've used both the buck and the doe decoys. I've had positive responses to both...also had some weird experiences with them. I had a string of cotton balls on some light fishing line at the tail for some motion in the wind. No scent or anything, but had a doe "mouth" the cotton balls for about five minutes. Couple hours later, the cotton balls were still wet. Also had a decent buck approach from the end-on direction from my buck decoy. He's walking, walking, walking...he get's parallel to the decoy and is about 18" from it when he sees it for the first time. He looked like a cartoon character jumping into the air and trying to run before his feet hit the ground.
I also use the elk decoys and all of the above are very realistic.
My only negative on the deer decoys is having to use the metal leg assemblys. They're kind of cumbersome. With the elk, I just hang it by thread and you hardly know it's there packing it.